Rid Your Garden of These 7 Insects With These Hacks

garden insects

Colorado beetle close-up on a piece of potato. Image Source: 123rf.com

A thriving garden is a source of joy and satisfaction, but it can quickly become a battleground against pesky insects. From aphids to ants, these tiny invaders can wreak havoc on your plants if left unchecked. Fortunately, there are effective and natural ways to keep these garden insects at bay. Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or just starting out, the tips below will ensure your plants stay healthy and your garden remains a beautiful, pest-free sanctuary.

1. Aphids

Aphids are tiny, sap-sucking insects that can cause significant damage to your garden plants. To rid your garden of these pests, try using a mixture of water and dish soap. Spray this solution directly onto the aphids to suffocate them. Another effective method is introducing natural predators like ladybugs, which feed on aphids. Additionally, planting garlic or chives near your affected plants can repel aphids due to their strong scent. Regularly inspecting your plants and removing any infested leaves can also help control their population.

2. Slugs and Snails

Slugs and snails can wreak havoc on your garden by munching on leaves and stems. One effective hack to deter these garden insects is to create a barrier using crushed eggshells or diatomaceous earth around your plants. These materials are abrasive and deter slugs and snails from crossing. Another method is to set up beer traps; and place shallow dishes filled with beer in your garden. The scent attracts slugs and snails, and they drown in the liquid. Handpicking these pests during the evening when they are most active can also reduce their numbers.

3. Japanese Beetles

Japanese beetles are notorious for their voracious appetite, particularly for roses and other flowering plants. To combat these garden insects, use a mixture of water and neem oil as a natural insecticide. Spray this solution on affected plants to deter beetles. Additionally, you can use pheromone traps to attract and capture adult beetles. Introducing beneficial nematodes into your soil can help control the larvae stage of Japanese beetles. Regularly inspecting and removing beetles by hand can also be effective in managing their population.

4. Whiteflies

Whiteflies are small, white insects that feed on the underside of leaves, causing yellowing and wilting. To get rid of whiteflies, use yellow sticky traps to attract and capture them. Another effective method is to spray your plants with a mixture of water and insecticidal soap. Introducing natural predators like lacewings and parasitic wasps can also help control whitefly populations. Additionally, regularly washing your plants with a strong stream of water can dislodge and reduce their numbers.

5. Spider Mites

Spider mites are tiny, spider-like insects that can cause significant damage by sucking the sap from plant leaves. To combat spider mites, use a mixture of water and neem oil or insecticidal soap. Spray this solution on affected plants, focusing on the undersides of leaves where mites tend to congregate. Introducing predatory mites can also help control spider mite populations. Regularly misting your plants with water can create a humid environment that discourages spider mites, as they prefer dry conditions.

6. Caterpillars


Green caterpillar. Image Source: 123rf.com

Caterpillars can quickly defoliate plants, causing extensive damage. To manage these garden insects, use Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt), a natural bacterial insecticide that targets caterpillars without harming beneficial insects. Another method is to handpick caterpillars and remove them from your plants. Introducing natural predators like birds and parasitic wasps can also help control caterpillar populations. Additionally, using row covers can protect your plants from caterpillar infestations by preventing adult moths from laying eggs.

7. Ants

Ants can be both a nuisance and a threat to your garden, especially if they farm aphids for honeydew. To deter ants, create a barrier using diatomaceous earth or cinnamon around your plants. These substances disrupt the ants’ scent trails and deter them from crossing. Another effective method is to use a mixture of water and vinegar to spray directly on ant trails and nests. Introducing beneficial nematodes into your soil can help control ant populations by targeting their larvae. Regularly inspecting and removing any aphid infestations can also reduce ant activity in your garden.

Keep Your Garden Pest-Free

Maintaining a healthy and thriving garden requires vigilance and effective pest control strategies. By using these hacks to rid your garden of common insects like aphids, slugs, Japanese beetles, whiteflies, spider mites, caterpillars, and ants, you can protect your plants and ensure a bountiful harvest.

9 Cheap Ways To Naturally Attract Pollinators

9 Cheap Ways To Naturally Attract Pollinators

Pollinators are important to your garden. If you want a sustainable garden, then you’ll want to find ways to naturally attract pollinators. And if you want a frugal garden, then you’ll need to figure out how to do so cheaply. Luckily, there are a lot of options for you to do so.

What Are Pollinators?

I confess that I always think of bees when I think of pollinators. They’re the quintessential ones. However, there are actually quite a few different pollinators. So, what does this term even mean?

Pollinators are any animal that helps to transfer pollen from the stamens to the stigma of plants. In other words, they facilitate plant mating. This leads to seeds and fruits. Bees are pollinators. However, so are birds, butterflies, moths, flies, and beetles. There are even some mammals like mice and bats that can help pollinate.

Why Do You Want to Naturally Attract Pollinators To Your Garden?

Pollinators are a good thing. Without proper pollination, many plants would not be able to produce viable seeds or fruits. Therefore, you want to bring them to your garden. Benefits when you naturally attract pollinators to your garden include:

Increased And Improved Yields

With more efficient pollination, your garden’s crop yields are likely to increase. They promote more uniform and abundant harvests. Pollinators can even improve fruit quality! Whether you’re growing fruits, vegetables, or seeds, the presence of pollinators can lead to higher productivity and better overall yields.


Pollinators contribute to the overall biodiversity and ecological balance of your garden. They facilitate cross-pollination among different plant species, This aids in genetic diversity and the survival of various plant populations. By attracting pollinators, you promote a diverse range of flowering plants, which in turn supports a broader array of wildlife and beneficial insects in your garden. It’s a beautiful cycle.

Ecosystem Services

Pollinators provide invaluable ecosystem services beyond pollination. They contribute to the broader ecological functioning of ecosystems, including habitat creation, food web support, and nutrient recycling. By attracting pollinators, you enhance the ecological resilience and health of your garden, creating a more balanced and self-sustaining ecosystem.


Attracting pollinators to your garden contributes to the conservation and protection of these vital species. Many pollinators, including certain bee species, face population declines due to habitat loss, pesticide exposure, and other factors. By providing a welcoming environment with a variety of nectar-rich flowers and suitable nesting habitats, you can support pollinator populations and contribute to their conservation. This is a great thing for the world.

Did you know that you can certify your habitat to help wildlife?!

Garden Beauty and Joy

Pollinators, such as butterflies and hummingbirds, add a vibrant and colorful element to your garden. Their presence enhances the aesthetic appeal of your outdoor space. This creates a visually appealing and more dynamic environment. Watching pollinators in action can be a delightful and educational experience, bringing joy and wonder to both adults and children. In other words, it is simply fun to naturally attract pollinators to your garden.

Cheap Ways To Naturally Attract Pollinators

Now that you’re sold on the idea of attracting pollinators to your garden, how can you do it? Here are some of the best cheap ways to naturally attract pollinators:

Plant Native Wildflowers

Native wildflowers are already well-adapted to the local ecosystem. Plus, they provide abundant nectar and pollen resources. Therefore, they attract a wide range of pollinators, including bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds, with their diverse colors, shapes, and scents. Native plants also support local biodiversity and help maintain the ecological balance of your region. This is one of the best cheap ways to naturally attract pollinators while adding beauty to your garden.

Create Habitat Diversity

Provide a variety of habitats and shelter options to attract different pollinator species. Incorporate elements like flowering shrubs, trees, grasses, and nesting sites such as log piles or rock crevices. These habitats offer nesting opportunities, resting places, and protection from predators. Therefore, they are key to making your garden more inviting to pollinators.

Provide Water Sources

Place shallow dishes or bowls filled with water in your garden to provide a water source for pollinators. Adding pebbles or stones to the container allows insects to perch safely while drinking. Water sources are particularly crucial in hot and dry climates.

Avoid Pesticides

Minimize or eliminate the use of pesticides in your garden. Pesticides can be harmful to pollinators, disrupting their behavior, health, and reproduction. Embracing organic gardening practices helps create a safe and welcoming environment for pollinators, allowing them to thrive and carry out their important pollination role.

Plant a Succession of Blooming Plants

Select a diverse array of flowering plants that bloom at different times throughout the growing season. This ensures a continuous food supply for pollinators from spring to fall. By providing a succession of blooms, you support pollinators throughout their lifecycle, from early-season emergence to late-season preparations for winter.

Provide Host Plants for Caterpillars

Many pollinators, such as butterflies, require specific host plants for their caterpillars to feed on. Research and include host plants in your garden that cater to the needs of particular pollinator species. By supporting caterpillar development, you encourage the presence of adult butterflies and contribute to their life cycle.

Minimize Garden Disturbances

Limit excessive garden clean-up and leave some areas undisturbed. Some pollinators, such as ground-nesting bees, require bare soil or leaf litter for nesting. Allow natural debris and leave patches of bare ground. In this way, you provide nesting sites and overwintering habitat for these beneficial insects.

Use Group Plantings

Plant flowers in clusters or groups rather than single plants scattered across the garden. Groupings provide a concentrated and easily recognizable food source for pollinators, increasing the efficiency of their foraging. This way, they can visit multiple flowers in one area, maximizing their access to nectar and pollen resources.

Be The Bee

In other words, ask yourself if you would come to this garden if you were bee. What would need to be different in order to bring you to buzz and pollinate there? Use your intuition to help guide you to enhancing your garden so that it naturally attracts pollinators.

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How To Battle Garden Pests Cheaply and Naturally

Battle Garden Pests Cheaply and Naturally

Garden pests can be the bane of a home gardener’s existence. You work so hard to get your plants to grow, then these bugs come along and destroy them. Are you looking for ways to battle garden pests cheaply and naturally? It’s definitely possible!

It Doesn’t Have To Be a Battle

Yes, we often talk about battling pests. However, it’s better if you start with a few mindset. Instead of thinking about how you’re going to battle garden pests cheaply and naturally, try to reframe your thinking. It’s not a war. It’s not a fight. Instead, it’s a challenge to establish equilibrium in your garden.

After all, your garden is part of nature. So are these bugs. So, even though you don’t want them to destroy your plants, you can maintain an appreciation for them. You can respect their urge to go for your plants. As you build this compassion into your gardening, it becomes mentally easier to face the challenge of how to handle them in your garden.

How To Battle Garden Pests Cheaply and Naturally

As you get ready to solve your pest problem, you want to focus on those two components: cost and natural pest repellants. You don’t have to spend a lot of money to deter pests from getting into your garden. Moreover, you can do this naturally, which saves on costs and also treats your plants (and the pests) much more kindly.

5 Ways to Battle Garden Pests Cheaply and Naturally

Here are five good options:

1. Plant The Right Flowers In Your Garden

Did you know that some flowers have natural pest-repellant qualities? Therefore, if you plant these in your garden, you easily deter pests from getting into everything. For example, marigolds are a good pest repellant. Other flowers attract specific predators that will naturally take care of various pests for you. For example, catmint attracts lacewing insects, which will then prey on aphids for you, protecting your plants.

2. Baking Soda Is a Natural Pesticide

You can kill certain garden pests, such as slugs, by pouring baking soda directly on them. Alternatively, make a spray solution with baking soda and water to use as a pesticide on various plants in your garden. This is an eco-friendly natural pesticide option that hardly costs anything.

3. Dish Soap Does The Job, Too

Did you know that the dish soap that you already use in your kitchen might also be a good pest repellant? Mix organic, natural non-bleach liquid dish soap with water. Spray this on your plants. It’s a semi-natural and very affordable pesticide.

4. Make a Garlic Spray

If you want a pesticide that is even more natural than dish soap would be, then consider making a garlic spray. Puree garlic cloves, mix them with water, cayenne pepper, and a little bit of vegetable oil, then spray it on your plants.

5. Use Essential Oils

There are so many great essential oils that you can use to battle garden pests cheaply and naturally. Different pests will respond to different oils but start by trying rosemary, lavender, lemongrass, peppermint, spearmint, and orange essential oils.

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