The Dark Side of Gardening: 14 Common Mistakes That Can Ruin Your Garden

Common Mistakes That Can Ruin Your Garden

Gardening is a beloved hobby for many, offering a sense of peace, accomplishment, and connection to nature. However, even the most well-intentioned gardener can fall prey to common mistakes that have the potential to turn this rewarding activity into a source of frustration. Understanding these pitfalls is crucial to maintaining a healthy, vibrant garden. This article sheds light on 14 common gardening mistakes, providing insights into how to avoid them and ensure your garden thrives.

1. Overwatering: The Silent Killer

Overwatering The Silent Killer

One of the most frequent errors in gardening is overwatering. While plants certainly need water to survive, too much can lead to root rot, a condition where roots can’t breathe and effectively absorb nutrients. This mistake often stems from a well-meaning desire to care for plants, but it’s crucial to understand that different plants have varied water needs. Overwatered soil can also become a breeding ground for fungi and pests, further harming your plants. Learning to check soil moisture before watering and investing in a simple irrigation system can prevent this common issue.

2. Neglecting Soil Health

Neglecting Soil Health

Soil is the foundation of any garden, and neglecting its health can lead to numerous problems. Many gardeners make the mistake of planting without first testing and amending their soil. Poor soil can be too acidic, too alkaline, nutrient-deficient, or lack proper drainage, all of which can stunt plant growth. Incorporating organic matter, such as compost or well-rotted manure, can vastly improve soil structure and fertility, leading to healthier plants.

3. Planting at the Wrong Time

Planting at the Wrong Time

Timing is everything in gardening, and planting too early or too late in the season can doom plants from the start. Frost can kill tender seedlings, while heat stress can affect those planted too late. Understanding the growing season in your region and the specific needs of each plant is essential. Utilize local planting guides and be mindful of last frost dates to ensure your plants get the best start possible.

4. Ignoring Pest and Disease Management

Ignoring Pest and Disease Management

Pests and diseases can wreak havoc in a garden, and failing to manage them proactively can lead to significant losses. Regular monitoring of plants for signs of trouble, such as discolored leaves, holes, or wilting, is vital. Natural pest control methods – like introducing beneficial insects and practicing crop rotation – can help manage these issues without resorting to harsh chemicals that can harm the ecosystem.

5. Overcrowding Plants

Overcrowding Plants

Overcrowding is a common mistake that not only stunts plant growth due to competition for light, water, and nutrients but also increases the likelihood of disease. Proper spacing allows for adequate air circulation, which is essential in preventing fungal infections. Always follow the spacing recommendations for each plant, and be prepared to thin seedlings when necessary to give each plant enough room to grow.

6. Using Chemicals Recklessly

Using Chemicals Recklessly

The misuse of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides can not only harm your plants but also negatively impact soil health and local wildlife. Organic gardening practices are not only better for the environment but can also lead to a more resilient garden. If chemicals must be used, always follow the instructions carefully and consider the potential impact on beneficial organisms.

7. Choosing the Wrong Plants

Choosing the Wrong Plants

Not all plants are suited to all environments, and choosing plants that are not compatible with your garden’s conditions can lead to disappointment. Consider factors such as sunlight, soil type, and climate when selecting plants. Native plants are often a good choice, as they are adapted to local conditions and require less maintenance.

8. Ignoring Companion Planting

Ignoring Companion Planting

Companion planting involves placing plants together that benefit and support each other, either by deterring pests, improving growth, or enhancing flavor. Ignoring these beneficial relationships can result in a less productive and more pest-prone garden. Researching and implementing companion planting strategies can lead to a healthier, more harmonious garden ecosystem.

9. Forgetting to Mulch

Forgetting to Mulch

Mulch is not just an aesthetic addition to the garden; it plays a crucial role in retaining soil moisture, regulating temperature, and suppressing weeds. Forgetting to mulch can lead to dry, hard soil and a weed infestation, both of which can stress plants. A layer of organic mulch, such as straw or bark, can make a significant difference in the health of your garden.

10. Improper Pruning

Improper Pruning

Pruning is essential for the health and productivity of many plants, but doing it incorrectly or at the wrong time can lead to poor growth or even kill a plant. Each plant has specific pruning needs, and understanding these is key to encouraging healthy growth and flowering. Avoid heavy pruning outside of the recommended periods, and always use clean, sharp tools to make precise cuts.

11. Lack of Planning

Lack of Planning

A well-planned garden is more likely to succeed than one thrown together haphazardly. Lack of planning can lead to issues like poor plant placement, inadequate space for growth, and an unbalanced design. Taking the time to sketch out your garden layout and consider the needs of each plant can save time and resources in the long run.

12. Ignoring Vertical Space

Ignoring Vertical Space

Many gardeners forget to utilize vertical space, which can significantly increase your growing area, especially in small gardens. Trellises, climbing plants, and vertical planters can add depth and interest to your garden while maximizing space.

13. Watering Inconsistently

Watering Inconsistently

Inconsistent watering can stress plants, leading to poor growth and susceptibility to disease. Establishing a regular watering schedule that accounts for the needs of your plants and the local climate can ensure your garden remains healthy and vibrant.

14. Failing to Adapt

Failing to Adapt

Finally, one of the biggest mistakes gardeners can make is failing to learn from their experiences and adapt their practices. Gardening is a continual learning process, and what works one year may not work the next. Being open to changing your methods and trying new approaches is essential for long-term gardening success.

Don’t Let Common Mistakes Stop You!

Don’t Let Common Mistakes Stop You

Gardening is a journey filled with learning and discovery, and mistakes are all part of the process. By being aware of these common pitfalls and taking steps to avoid them, you can ensure your garden remains a source of joy and beauty. Remember, every mistake is an opportunity to grow, both as a gardener and in your garden.

Eco-Friendly and Economical: 10 Sustainable Gardening Hacks

Sustainable Gardening Hacks

In today’s world, the importance of sustainable living has never been more pronounced. As we face environmental challenges, the concept of eco-friendly and economical gardening practices has emerged as a beacon of hope for both our planet and our pockets. Here’s a look at 10 sustainable gardening hacks that not only contribute to a greener earth but also offer significant savings. By integrating these practices, gardeners can cultivate thriving gardens that are both kind to the environment and easy on the wallet.

1. Composting: Turning Waste into Wealth

Composting Turning Waste into Wealth

Composting is a cornerstone of sustainable gardening. By transforming kitchen scraps, lawn clippings, and other organic waste into nutrient-rich compost, you not only reduce landfill contributions but also provide your plants with a natural, chemical-free fertilizer. This process, which mimics nature’s own recycling system, enriches the soil, fosters healthy plant growth, and minimizes the need for synthetic fertilizers, leading to a more vibrant and sustainable garden ecosystem.

2. Water Wisdom: Harvesting and Conserving H2O

Water Wisdom Harvesting and Conserving H2O

Water conservation is critical in sustainable gardening. Collecting rainwater using barrels or designing your garden to maximize rainwater absorption can significantly reduce reliance on municipal water systems. Mulching and choosing drought-resistant plants also help retain soil moisture and reduce water usage. These strategies not only conserve this precious resource but also lower your water bill, making your garden both eco-friendly and economical.

3. DIY Pest Control: Natural Solutions

DIY Pest Control Natural Solutions

Chemical pesticides not only harm the environment but can also be costly. Sustainable gardening advocates for natural pest control methods such as companion planting – where certain plant combinations naturally repel pests – or encouraging beneficial insects like ladybugs and bees that prey on harmful pests. These eco-friendly solutions maintain the garden’s ecological balance, protecting both your plants and local wildlife.

4. Seed Saving: The Circle of Life

Seed Saving The Circle of Life

Saving seeds from your garden’s plants is a sustainable practice that ensures a continuous supply of your favorite varieties without the need for repeat purchases. This age-old tradition encourages genetic diversity and resilience in plants, contributing to a more robust garden ecosystem. Seed saving is not only economical but also allows you to share and exchange seeds with fellow gardeners, fostering a sense of community and collaboration.

5. Upcycled Containers: Creative Planting Solutions

Upcycled Containers Creative Planting Solutions

In sustainable gardening, creativity knows no bounds. Upcycling household items such as old tires, buckets, and even furniture into plant containers adds a unique charm to your garden while reducing waste. This approach not only saves money on planters but also contributes to a reduction in consumer waste, embodying the essence of eco-friendly living.

6. Permaculture Principles: Designing with Nature

Permaculture Principles Designing with Nature

Permaculture, a design system based on the patterns and features observed in natural ecosystems, offers a holistic approach to sustainable gardening. By mimicking nature’s efficiency, permaculture designs create self-sustaining gardens that require minimal external inputs. This not only conserves resources but also creates a harmonious garden environment that thrives year after year.

7. Green Mulching: A Carpet for Your Plants

Green Mulching A Carpet for Your Plants

Green mulching, using grass clippings or leaf litter as a mulch, provides a dual benefit for your garden. It suppresses weeds, retains soil moisture, and as it decomposes, it adds organic matter back into the soil, enriching it. This practice reduces the need for synthetic weed killers and fertilizers, making your garden more sustainable and cost-effective.

8. Solar Solutions: Harnessing the Sun’s Power

Solar Solutions Harnessing the Sun's Power

Incorporating solar-powered solutions, such as solar water pumps for irrigation or solar lights to illuminate garden paths, reduces reliance on non-renewable energy sources. This not only diminishes your carbon footprint but also lowers energy costs, making solar solutions an excellent addition to the sustainable gardener’s toolkit.

9. Planting Natives: The Local Advantage

Planting Natives The Local Advantage

Native plants are adapted to local climate conditions and soil types, requiring less water, fertilizers, and pesticides. By choosing native plants for your garden, you support local ecosystems and wildlife, contributing to biodiversity conservation. This practice not only fosters a resilient garden but also reduces maintenance costs and efforts.

10. Community Gardening: Sharing the Green

Community Gardening Sharing the Green

Participating in or starting a community garden fosters a sense of unity and shared purpose in sustainable living. These collaborative spaces not only provide fresh produce and greenery for the community but also serve as hubs for sharing knowledge, resources, and sustainable practices. Community gardening amplifies the impact of individual efforts, making sustainable gardening a collective triumph.

Why Embrace These Sustainable Gardening Hacks

Why Embrace These Sustainable Gardening Hacks

In embracing these eco-friendly and economical gardening hacks, we not only nurture our gardens but also contribute to a healthier planet and society. Sustainable gardening is a testament to the fact that small, thoughtful changes in our daily practices can lead to significant positive impacts on both the environment and our wallets. Let’s cultivate our gardens with care, creativity, and sustainability at the forefront for a greener, more bountiful world.

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Baby Boomers Rejoice! Discover How to Create a Lush Garden with Just Your Kitchen Scraps!

Create a Lush Garden with Just Your Kitchen Scraps

In an era where sustainability meets creativity, baby boomers are leading the charge in crafting lush, vibrant gardens from what many might consider waste. Kitchen scraps, often overlooked, are proving to be a goldmine for gardening enthusiasts. This guide will walk you through transforming your everyday kitchen scraps into a flourishing garden, making it not just a hobby but a sustainable practice that aligns with current environmental trends.

The Rise of Eco-Friendly Gardening

Rise of Eco-Friendly Gardening

Eco-friendly gardening has surged in popularity, especially among baby boomers who are looking to reduce waste and reconnect with nature. This method is not just about growing plants; it’s about fostering a sustainable ecosystem right in your backyard. By using kitchen scraps, you’re not only minimizing waste but also nourishing your garden with organic matter, creating a cycle of sustainability that benefits both the environment and your green space.

Starting with Scraps: The Basics

Starting with Scraps

Beginning your garden with kitchen scraps is simpler than it might seem. Start by collecting scraps like vegetable peels, fruit skins, eggshells, and coffee grounds. These materials are rich in nutrients and can be easily composted or used directly in your garden soil, acting as a natural fertilizer that promotes plant growth without the need for chemical additives.

Composting: Turning Waste into Gold


Composting is a key element in eco-friendly gardening. It involves the breakdown of organic kitchen waste into a nutrient-rich soil amendment. Setting up a compost bin is straightforward and can be done in even the smallest of spaces. This process not only enriches the soil but also reduces methane emissions from landfills, making it a win-win for both your garden and the planet.

Regrowing Vegetables from Scraps

Regrowing Vegetables from Scraps

Some kitchen scraps can be regrown directly, offering a continuous supply of fresh produce. Items like green onion ends, lettuce stumps, and celery bases can be placed in water or soil, where they will sprout new growth. This method not only extends the life of your groceries but also adds an element of fun and experimentation to your gardening efforts.

The Magic of Eggshells and Coffee Grounds

Magic of Eggshells and Coffee Grounds

Eggshells and coffee grounds are particularly beneficial for gardens. Crushed eggshells add calcium to the soil, promoting plant health, while coffee grounds serve as a fantastic natural fertilizer due to their nitrogen content. Both can be easily incorporated into your garden soil or compost bin, enhancing soil quality and supporting robust plant growth.

Planting Strategies for Maximum Yield

Planting Strategies for Maximum Yield

To make the most of your kitchen scrap garden, strategic planting is key. Consider companion planting, where specific plants are grown together to enhance growth, deter pests, and increase yield. Also, rotating crops and practicing intercropping can prevent soil depletion and reduce the risk of plant diseases, ensuring a bountiful harvest year after year.

Water Wise: Sustainable Irrigation Practices

Water Wise

Efficient water use is crucial in sustainable gardening. Collecting rainwater, using drip irrigation systems, and watering plants early in the morning or late in the evening can significantly reduce water consumption. These practices not only conserve a vital resource but also ensure that your plants receive the hydration they need without excess waste.

Pest Control: Natural Solutions

Pest Control

Pests can be a challenge in any garden, but there are natural ways to manage them without resorting to harsh chemicals. Companion planting, as mentioned earlier, can naturally deter pests. Additionally, homemade remedies like neem oil sprays or garlic and chili pepper infusions can protect your plants from pests while keeping your garden ecosystem safe and healthy.

Community and Sharing: Beyond the Garden

Community and Sharing

The beauty of gardening with kitchen scraps extends beyond your own backyard. Sharing surplus produce with neighbors, exchanging gardening tips within your community, and even starting community composting programs can foster a sense of connection and collective responsibility towards the environment. This communal aspect not only enriches social bonds but also amplifies the impact of your sustainable gardening efforts.

Gardening with Kitchen Scraps: A Green Revolution in Your Backyard

Gardening with Kitchen Scraps

Creating a lush garden from kitchen scraps is more than just a gardening trend; it’s a movement toward sustainability and environmental responsibility. For baby boomers and gardening enthusiasts alike, this practice offers a fulfilling way to engage with nature, reduce waste, and contribute to a healthier planet. By embracing these eco-friendly gardening techniques, you can transform your kitchen scraps into a thriving garden, proving that with a bit of creativity and effort, waste can indeed turn into wonder.

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Top 13 Benefits of Using Rice Hulls in Gardening

rice hull

Rice hulls have a variety of unique properties that are great for home gardening. They have a neutral pH, are lightweight and sustainable, and have a diverse array of benefits for your garden. Additionally, you can mix rice hulls with other soil amendments or potting mix ingredients to create a well-balanced growing medium for your plants. They’re a useful, versatile addition to your gardening routine.

What Are Rice Hulls?

Rice hulls are the protective outer layers of rice grains. They are the hard, outer covering of the rice kernel that is removed during the milling process to produce white rice. In other words, they are a rice milling byproduct.

Benefits of Using Rice Hulls in Gardening

Using them in gardening can provide several benefits. Here are some of the advantages of incorporating them into your garden:

Benefits for the Soil in Your Garden

The main reason that you use them in your garden is because it offers many benefits for the soil. Good soil means good plants. Here are some of the specific benefits for the soil.

Improved Soil Structure

Rice hulls help improve soil structure. They do this by reducing compaction in clay soils and enhancing aeration in sandy soils. This creates a more hospitable environment for plant roots to grow, regardless of soil type.

Enhanced Drainage

They promote better drainage in heavy or poorly draining soils. This then prevents waterlogged conditions that can harm plants.

Moisture Retention

What’s interesting about the way that they hold water, though, is that they retain the moisture. They can hold moisture and release it gradually, helping to keep the soil consistently moist. This is particularly useful in arid or drought-prone regions. So, you don’t just get enhanced drainage but also get controlled moisture release.

Temperature Regulation

They act as an insulating layer, helping to regulate soil temperature. Therefore, they keep the soil cooler in hot weather. In contrast, they keep the soil warmer in cold weather. This can be especially beneficial for temperature-sensitive plants.

Organic Matter

Over time, they break down and add organic matter to the soil. This further improves the health of the soil.

pH Neutral

Rice hulls are pH-neutral. This means that they won’t significantly alter the pH of your soil. Therefore, this makes them a safe option for a wide range of plants.

Erosion Control

They can help prevent soil erosion. This is especially true if your garden is on a slope. They do this by stabilizing the soil and reducing runoff during heavy rainfall.

Other Benefits of Using Rice Hulls in the Garden

The soil benefits are a key reason to consider using them in your garden, but rice hulls also offer additional benefits:

Weed Suppression

When used as mulch, rice hulls create a barrier that suppresses weed growth. This reduces the competition for water, nutrients, and sunlight, benefiting your gardening.


They are lightweight and easy to work with, making them a convenient addition to potting mixes and garden pathways.


They are a byproduct of the rice industry, so their use in gardening contributes to recycling agricultural waste and reducing the environmental impact of rice milling. By using rice hulls, you are making use of a readily available, renewable, and biodegradable resource, contributing to sustainable gardening practices.

Pest and Disease Resistance

While not a direct pest control measure, they can reduce the likelihood of certain pests and diseases because they create a physical barrier that makes it more difficult for pests to access plant roots. When mixed with diatomaceous earth, rice hulls can help control garden pests very effectively.

Overwintering Plants

For plants that need winter protection, they can be used as mulch to insulate the root zone and protect plants from frost.


If you use worms for composting then you might want to consider adding rice hulls. They offer a comfortable environment for worms and a source of food as they break down.

How to Use Rice Hulls in the Garden

If those benefits sound great to you, here are some ways to begin using them in your garden:

  • Spread a layer of them around the base of outdoor plants to act as mulch.
  • If you have container plants, mix them into the potting soil. You can add it to other potting mixes.
  • Use for seed-starting by adding to peat moss or coconut coir.
  • Add to compost; they are carbon-rich so will offset the nitrogen-rich greens in your compost.

Where to Get Rice Hulls for Your Garden

Getting rice hulls for your garden is relatively easy. Here are a few ways to obtain them:

  • Purchase from Garden Centers or Nurseries: Many garden centers or nurseries sell bags of them specifically packaged for gardening. These are often labeled as “rice hull mulch” or “rice hulls for gardening.”
  • Contact Local Rice Mills or Processors: In regions where rice is a significant crop, you might be able to obtain them directly from local rice mills or processing facilities. They may provide them for free or at a low cost as they are a byproduct of rice processing.
  • Online Retailers: You can purchase them from online retailers and have them delivered to your location.
  • Ask Local Farmers or Gardeners: If you live in an area with rice production, you might be able to connect with local farmers or gardeners who have access to them and are willing to share or sell them to you.
  • Rice Hull Suppliers: Some companies specialize in supplying rice hulls for various applications, including gardening. They may sell them in bulk or offer delivery services.
  • Farm Supply Stores: Some farm supply stores or agricultural co-ops may carry them or have access to agricultural-grade rice hulls that can be used in gardening.

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Top 7 Eco-Friendly Peat Moss Alternatives

Top 7 Eco-Friendly Peat Moss Alternatives

Peat moss has a long history of gardening benefits. However, it also poses significant problems for the environment when you use peat moss. Therefore you might want to explore peat moss alternatives. There are plenty of great options that do the job without damaging the earth.

What Is Peat Moss?

Peat moss is a type of organic material that comes from the decomposition of plants in peat bogs over thousands of years. A peat bog, also known as a peatland, is a type of wetland ecosystem formed over thousands of years through the accumulation of dead vegetation.

Reasons People Use Peat Moss in Gardening

Peat moss is used in gardens for various reasons:

Soil Amendment

Peat moss is an excellent soil amendment that improves soil structure and texture. It helps to loosen dense soils, improving drainage in clay soils and retaining moisture in sandy soils. The fibrous nature of peat moss also enhances aeration, which is vital for root growth.

Water Retention

Peat moss has a high water-holding capacity, enabling it to retain moisture in the soil. This characteristic is especially useful during dry periods, as it helps to keep the soil consistently moist, providing a more stable environment for plants.

pH Adjustment

Peat moss is acidic, and its presence in the soil can lower the pH level, making it more acidic. This is beneficial for acid-loving plants, such as blueberries, rhododendrons, and azaleas, which thrive in slightly acidic conditions.

Organic Matter

As an organic material, peat moss contributes to soil fertility by slowly releasing nutrients as it breaks down. It also serves as a substrate for beneficial soil microorganisms, improving the overall health of the soil ecosystem.

Seed Starting and Potting Mixes

Peat moss is commonly used in seed-starting mixes and potting mixes for container gardening. Its light and fluffy texture provides an ideal medium for young seedlings to establish their root systems.

Soil Conditioner

When applied as a top dressing or worked into the soil, peat moss acts as a soil conditioner, improving the overall quality of the soil and enhancing plant growth.

Environmental Problems with Peat Moss

Unfortunately, using peat moss creates problems for the earth. Peat bogs are unique ecosystems that store a significant amount of carbon and provide a habitat for various plants and wildlife. Unsustainable harvesting of peat moss can lead to the depletion of these valuable habitats and release stored carbon into the atmosphere. Additional problems related to using peat moss include impact on water quality and quantity, increased flooding in over-harvested areas, and the loss of species diversity.

Top 7 Eco-Friendly Peat Moss Alternatives

Several peat moss alternatives are available for gardeners who want to reduce their environmental impact. Gardeners can create healthier soils, support sustainable practices, and reduce the impact on sensitive peatland ecosystems. Some of the best peat moss alternatives include:

Coconut Coir

Coconut coir is a renewable resource derived from coconut husks, which are usually discarded as waste. Using coconut coir as a peat moss alternative helps recycle this agricultural byproduct and reduces the need for landfill disposal. It has similar water-holding capacity and aeration properties but is more sustainable and environmentally friendly. And yet, I]it is a more sustainable option compared to peat moss.

Do note that the production and transportation of coconut coir might have some environmental impact. This includes energy consumption and carbon emissions associated with processing and transportation. However, these impacts are generally lower compared to peat moss extraction.


Compost is made from organic waste, such as kitchen scraps and yard trimmings, which would otherwise end up in landfills. By composting organic materials, gardeners divert waste from landfills. This reduces methane emissions. Moreover, it creates a nutrient-rich soil amendment that improves soil health. There are very few potential drawbacks to using compost as a peat moss alternative, which is why it’s a common peat moss alternative.

Leaf Mold

Leaf mold is the result of decomposed leaves and is a valuable organic material for improving soil structure and water retention. It is an excellent source of nutrients for plants and can be made by composting leaves over time. Note that leaf mold may take a longer time to break down compared to compost, though. Therefore, gardeners may need to plan and start the decomposition process in advance.

Well-Rotted Manure

Well-rotted manure is a byproduct of animal husbandry and agriculture. Using well-rotted manure as a soil amendment can help recycle organic waste. Aged and well-rotted animal manure can enrich the soil with nutrients and improve its fertility. It also enhances soil structure and microbial activity.

Note that manure from intensively farmed livestock may contain residual antibiotics or other substances that could impact soil and water quality if not properly managed. Ensuring that the manure comes from a reputable and sustainable source is essential if you want to use it as a peat moss alternative.

Pine Bark

Pine bark, when aged and ground, can be used as a soil amendment to improve aeration and drainage in the soil. It is particularly useful for plants that prefer acidic conditions. Since it is a byproduct of the timber industry, you’re making use of something that would otherwise go to the landfill. Note that some pine bark products may contain chemicals or preservatives used during timber processing. That’s just something you want to check for before adding it to your garden.

Rice Hulls

Rice hulls are lightweight and provide good aeration to the soil. They can be used as mulch or mixed into the soil to improve its structure. Like with pine bark, they are waste from another industry that we can use as gardeners. Like with coconut coir, there may be environmental impacts of transport but these should be less than with peat moss extraction.

Peat-Free Potting Mixes

Many commercial potting mixes now come with peat-free formulations, using various combinations of the alternatives mentioned above. These mixes provide suitable growing mediums for various plants. Note, however, that some commercially available peat-free mixes might still contain non-renewable resources or synthetic materials. Checking the ingredients and sourcing sustainably produced mixes is important as a result.

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Natural Ways To Control Fungus in Plants

Natural Ways To Control Fungus in Plants

Plant fungus is a type of plant disease caused by a fungal infection such as powdery or downy mildew, anthracnose, rust, and blight. Sometimes the fungi just causes your plants to look ugly. However, more often that not, it can cause serious damage to your plants. Therefore, you want to make sure that you control fungus in plants. Catch it early and get rid of it. And, of course, you probably want to do so naturally, even though there are chemical options.

What Exactly Is Fungus?

Fungus is a type of living organism that is neither a plant nor an animal. Fungi are typically characterized by their ability to grow as long, branching filaments called hyphae, which allow them to penetrate and absorb nutrients from their environment. Some fungi also produce spores, which can be spread through the air or water to help them reproduce and colonize new areas.

Fungi themselves are not a bad thing. In fact, they can play an important role in many ecosystem. They help to break down dead organic matter and recycle nutrients back into the soil. They are also important in the production of many foods and medicines, such as bread, beer, cheese, and antibiotics. And of course mushrooms are fungi and many of us love those.

That said, some types of fungi can also cause disease in plants (and animals and humans, too, for that matter). Fungi can infect all parts of a plant, including the roots, stems, leaves, flowers, and fruits.

Plant Problems Caused By Fungus

Some common signs of plant fungus include:

  1. Discolored or wilted leaves: Fungal infections can cause plant leaves to turn yellow, brown, or black, or to wilt and droop. Leaves may also develop spots, lesions, or other unusual markings.
  2. Fuzzy or powdery growth: Some fungal infections can cause a fuzzy or powdery growth on the surface of leaves, stems, or flowers. This may be a sign of fungal spores, which can spread the infection to other parts of the plant.
  3. Stunted growth: Fungal infections can stunt plant growth, causing the plant to be smaller than expected or to produce fewer fruits or flowers.
  4. Root rot: Some fungal infections can cause root rot, which can be difficult to detect since it occurs underground. Signs of root rot may include yellowing or wilting leaves, as well as a foul odor or soft, mushy roots.
  5. Defoliation: Fungal infections can cause leaves to drop prematurely, reducing the plant’s ability to photosynthesize and weakening the plant overall.
  6. Discolored or distorted fruits or flowers: Fungal infections can cause fruits or flowers to be misshapen, discolored, or otherwise damaged.

Natural Ways to Control Plant Fungus

You want to take a multi-prong approach to control plant fungus. First of all, you want to do all that you can to prevent fungus from showing up in your garden in the first place. Then, if you still find fungus on your plants, you want to get rid of it. Here are some of the best natural ways to do that:

Natural Fungus Prevention

In terms of prevention, it’s really all about just keeping a careful approach to treating the plants in your garden right:

  1. Good air circulation: Fungal spores thrive in warm, humid environments with poor air circulation. Avoid planting them too close together and trim away any dead or crowded foliage to keep the air circulating well. Prune back plans regularly to prevent overcrowding.
  2. Proper watering: Do not overwater. Allow for proper drainage. Be consistent with understanding the different water levels each of your plants requires.
  3. Soil management: Healthy soil with good drainage is key to preventing fungal infections. Use compost and organic matter to improve soil health and avoid using contaminated soil.
  4. Mulch: Applying mulch around the base of plants can help to retain moisture in the soil and prevent fungal infections. Use organic materials such as straw, leaves or wood chips, which will break down over time and add nutrients to the soil.

Natural Fungicides for Prevention:

Some of these will also help you to repair and control fungus in plants once you begin. But, start early and you can also use them as fungus prevention:

  1. Baking soda: Baking soda has antifungal properties and can help to prevent fungal infections in plants. Mix 1 tablespoon of baking soda with 1 gallon of water and spray onto plants as a preventive measure.
  2. Neem oil: Neem oil is a natural oil derived from the neem tree and has antifungal properties. It can be used as a preventive measure against fungal infections in plants by mixing with water and spraying onto plants.
  3. Garlic: Garlic contains natural antifungal compounds and can be used as a preventive measure against fungal infections in plants. Mix 1 to 2 cloves of crushed garlic with 1 quart of water and spray onto plants.
  4. Copper fungicides: Copper fungicides are natural compounds that can be used to prevent fungal infections in plants. Copper is a natural fungicide and can be found in various forms such as copper sulfate, copper hydroxide, and copper oxide.
  5. Tea tree oil: Tea tree oil is a natural essential oil that has antifungal properties and can be used to prevent fungal infections in plants. Mix 2 to 3 drops of tea tree oil with 1 quart of water and spray onto plants.

Natural Ways to Control / Repair Plant Fungus

In addition to those preventive measures, there are some natural ways to control plant fungus once you see it cropping up. First, take these steps to get rid of the fungus:

  1. Remove infected plant material: The first step in treating plant fungus is to remove any infected plant material. This includes leaves, stems, and fruits that show signs of infection. Be sure to dispose of the infected plant material properly to prevent the spread of the disease.
  2. Prune affected areas: If the fungus has affected only part of the plant, prune away the affected areas with clean, sharp pruning shears. Make sure to disinfect the pruning shears with rubbing alcohol or a bleach solution between each cut to prevent the spread of the disease.
  3. Improve growing conditions: Fungal infections often occur in plants that are stressed or have poor growing conditions. Improving the growing conditions, such as providing proper watering, improving soil quality, and ensuring good air circulation, can help the plant recover and prevent the fungus from returning.

Then add those natural fungicides into your plant care routine. Finally, also add in some beneficial microbes. For example, mycorrhizal fungi can be added to the soil as a powder or in a liquid form. Bacillus subtilis and Trichoderma can also be added to the soil as a soil drench or a foliar spray. Some others to look into include Rhizobium, Azospirillum, and Pseudomonas.

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What Happens to Plants If You Use Enviro Ice on Them?

What Happens to Plants If You Use Enviro Ice on Them?

About one year ago, I wrote an article here about Enviro Ice. Companies use this product to keep items cold for shipping. I receive it in my HungryRoot food deliveries each month. According to the company, you can use it this nitrogen-based product to fertilizer your plants. I considered trying it. However, for reasons explained in the article, I didn’t actually ever end up doing so. Nevertheless, many people have asked me what I think about using it. Therefore, I decided to scour the Internet for information from people who have tried it. Here’s what I found.

Why I Haven’t Tried Enviro Ice on My Plants

I don’t keep too many plants myself. I live in an apartment in San Francisco. Moreover, I’m not great with plants. As a result, I have to be careful to follow directions exactly if I have any chance of keeping plants alive. I’m just not intuitive about it like so many other people are. On more than one occasion, I’ve called my sister, who was a plant sciences major, to ask her what one of my plants might need.

There isn’t a lot of information out there about using Enviro Ice on plants. It’s something that even the company itself seems to be studying. Therefore, there aren’t great specific instructions. In other words, I can’t find anything that says, “use this amount of Enviro Ice this often to get good results for your plants.” There definitely don’t seem to be instructions for using it on specific plants. So, even though I still get Enviro Ice every week, I haven’t tried it on any plants. Instead, I put it down my sink drain as described in my original article.

The Big Questions

I turned to the Internet to find out what people are saying about using Enviro Ice on their plants. Mostly, I scoured Reddit, although there are a few other forum and blog posts about it that you can easily find in a Google search. A few key questions came up:

What Form of Nitrogen Is In Enviro Ice?

I confess that I don’t fully understand the science behind this. However, several people online have asked what form of nitrogen or nitrogen compound this product is or contains. Apparently there are different forms of it. The company says that Enviro Ice is “nitrogen based.” However, that doesn’t give information about the form of nitrogen, which would apparently be important for people seeking to use it on plants.

What Else Is In Enviro Ice?

This is the most frequent question. People who are going to use Enviro Ice on their plants want to know about ALL of the ingredients that might be in this product. Unfortunately, as far as I can find, we don’t have this information. There are two key problems that people bring up:

  • Is there anything else in the product that could harm plants, soil, or other living garden things? Presumably, the answer should be no. After all, they advertise clearly that it’s safe to use in your garden. They state specifically on their website, “When thawed and diluted with water, the Enviro Ice coolant mixture is a safe, suitable fertilizer for both indoor and outdoor plants.” Nevertheless, without specific information about the ingredients in the product, we just have to take their word on its safety.
  • Is there anything in the product that I don’t want to consume? In other words, if I’m growing fruits and vegetables that I plan to eat, is Enviro Ice safe for use? Obviously, people have a diverse range of food sensitivities. Therefore, this isn’t a simple question. Either way, we don’t have a clear answer on the ingredients yet.

Perhaps the Ingredients Are …

I asked ChatGPT if it could tell me what is in Enviro Ice. I’m not sure how accurate it’s information was, since I couldn’t find it elsewhere, but it claims: “The gel in Enviro Ice is made from a blend of natural ingredients, including seaweed extract, plant-based amino acids, and other plant-derived nutrients. ”

In a thread over on Houzz, user toxcruasadr said that they couldn’t find the ingredients. However, they suspect that it’s “probably ammonium nitrate solution, which is just nitrogen fertilizer.” Moreover, they say that the gel is probably “polyethylene glycol (PEG) which is actually a food ingredient.” That’s the best guess I was able to find online.

What Happens When You Use Enviro Ice on Plants?

Okay, so those are the questions that people have. Over on Reddit and around the web, I’ve found a few people who responded to these questions. They have tried the product on their plants and documented their experiences. The experience were varied. However, when looked at as a whole, they indicate that with proper dilution, Enviro Ice does work safely to help plants grow.

Enviro Ice Works on Plants When Diluted

User KimAlex17 shared on Reddit two years ago that it works great on their plants. They actually called the customer service number to ask about how to use it. They followed the recommendation to dilute the gel, using one gallon of water per 16 ounces of gel. They say that they have 77 happy plants.

Similarly, in the same thread, user Optimal_Cheetah3755 reports using it on a moth orchid plant. It sprouted new leaves and new roots. They say they use just 1-2 teaspoons of the gel per plant. They dilute that with water, although they didn’t say how much.

In Fact, It Might Be Great For Trees

In the same thread, user ISK_Reynolds tried the product on two young indoor trees. They used three packs diluted with two gallons of water. They put this on one of the trees, but not on the other one. The one that received the diluted Enviro Ice is thriving better than the one that did not.

Failure to Dilute Can Burn Plants and Soil

Several people reported that Enviro Ice didn’t work for them. They said it burned either the plant or the soil or both. However, in all cases, it seems that they either didn’t dilute the soil or didn’t sufficiently dilute it.

Can You Grow Plants in Just EnviroIce?

In the same thread, user AJ_Effendi talks about trying to grow water plants in just the gel. This is atypical. Most people are using it to fertilize the soil around their plants. This user found that some cuttings have survived well in the gel. Their stems are a bit squishy but above the waterline they do grow. That said, some died. It was a mixed experiment.

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5 Quick Tips To Rescue Your Plants From Root Rot

I am prone to overwatering my plants. I suspect that this comes from growing up in the desert. That might sound counterintuitive. However, I have this reverence for the magic of water as a result of my desert upbringing. And so subconsciously I tend to think that water will solve all plant problems. Which, of course, is not true. In fact, overwatering contributes to one of the most common causes of plant death: root rot. Luckily, you can prevent this problem once you’re aware of it. Moreover, if you catch it early enough, you can rescue your plants from root rot.

What Is Root Rot?

Do you have a plant that doesn’t seem to be growing properly despite watering it regularly? Are the leaves wilting even though the soil is wet? Do the stems feel mushy to the touch? How about the roots – if you look at them, are they the right color? Or are they more of a red-brown shade than they ought to be? Finally, how does the soil smell? If it smells “off” and you see these other symptoms, chances are that you have root rot.

As the name suggests, the roots of your plant are rotting away. Root rot is actually a disease. Blossom Plant explains that it has two common causes: overwatering and harmful fungi. In my case, it’s usually been due to overwatering, as I explained. However, even if you are great at watering your plants properly, they may develop root rot as a result of the growth of bacterial fungi.

Sadly, once you start seeing the symptoms of root rot described above, it might be too late to rescue your plants from root rot. However, it’s worth a try. Caught early enough, there are definitely things that you can do to save your plants.

5 Quick Tips To Rescue Your Plants From Root Rot

The most important thing that you can do is to keep a close eye on your plants. This way, you catch problems early. If caught early, try these five things to rescue your plants from root rot:

1. Carefully Cut Away the Rotting Roots

You can’t actually “cure” root rot. In other words, you must remove the roots that are rotting. In order to do this, you will have to carefully remove the plant from the soil. Then, you will have to remove the soil from the roots as much as possible. This allows you to look at the roots. Hopefully, plenty look thriving, meaning they are vibrant, white, and beautiful. The ones with root rot will look stringy and brown, as though they are dying — because they are. Alternatively, they may be a grey color and may feel slimy to the touch. Carefully cut away all of the rotting roots. You should cut just slightly above the damaged part. Maintain as many healthy roots as possible.

2. Carefully Cut Away the Dying Leaves

Cutting away the rotting roots is the most important part of rescuing your plant. However, you don’t want to leave other dying parts of the plant either. After all, you want to give your plant the best chance of survival. You want healthy roots to support the healthy growth of the rest of the plant. Therefore, you will also want to trim away all of the dying leaves on your plant. Be selective – trim away what you’re sure is dying but leave what might potentially grow well.

3. Repot Your Plant in Fresh Soil

Regardless of the cause of root rot, the soil is now a problem. If you’ve overwatered it, you can certainly let it dry out. Nevertheless, it’s not healthy enough to support the full healing of your plants. Of course, if bacteria is the cause of your root rot, then you want to get rid of the soil that has that bacteria, right? So, it’s time to get rid of all of that soil. Remove as much of it as you safely can from the roots of the plant. Get rid of all soil that is in the pot. Get fresh, healthy, new, dry soil and repot the plant.

4. Skip the Fertilizer for Now

Plants in a Box explains that your plant is fragile from root rot. Therefore, you don’t want to add the stress of fertilizer right now. Instead, just make sure that you use high-quality soil for repotting. Then hold off on fertilizer for the time being. Give the plant time to revive.

5. Review Your Plant’s Proper Care

Even if you think that you know your plants well, it’s worth it to refresh your memory. Do a little bit of research into exactly what the best conditions are for this plant to thrive. Pay careful attention to the watering instructions, of course.  But also look at the sunlight it needs, the temperature it does best in, etc. You want to give your plant as much TLC as possible while it’s working to heal.

How to Prevent Root Rot in the Future

Although you can do these things to try to rescue your plants from root rot, sometimes it just isn’t going to work. Once you start seeing the signs of a rotting plant, it might be too late. Therefore, preventing root rot is really the way to go. Do all that you can to prevent it in the future so that you don’t have to try to save your plants down the line.

Some of the key ways to prevent root rot include:

  • Remember to check exactly what conditions are best for each particular plant.
  • Be careful not to overwater your plants.
  • Use the right soil to get proper drainage for each plant.
  • Also, use the right pot, preferably with drainage holes, to prevent standing water.
  • Check your plants regularly. Pay attention to how they look, how they smell, and what the soil is like. Catch problems early on.

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5 Benefits of Starting a Garden

Starting a garden is a great way to bring nature into your home. Not only can you enjoy the beauty of budding flowers and lush green foliage, but you can also reap the many health benefits that come with having a garden. Here are some of the ways in which starting a garden can improve your overall well-being.

1. Increased Physical Activity

Caring for a garden requires tending to it on a regular basis, which means that you will have to engage in physical activity such as digging, planting, harvesting, and weeding. This can help keep you active and fit even when you don’t have time for a traditional exercise routine.

In addition, gardening can be a great way to enjoy outdoor activities with friends and family. Whether it’s planting new flowers or harvesting fresh produce, you can get the whole family involved in your garden endeavors. Getting a healthy dose of sunlight can also help boost your mood and reduce stress levels. Gardening gives you the perfect opportunity to get some quality time in the sun, as long as you remember to use sunscreen!

2. Stress Relief

Gardening can help reduce stress levels as it is an activity that encourages mindfulness and being in the present moment. According to a study done by the National Council for Biotechnology Information, 60% of people said they would enjoy partaking in group art therapies. Like art therapy, gardening is a creative activity that can help you feel calm and relaxed.

In addition to physical and stress-relieving benefits, gardening also provides mental health benefits. Working in the garden can have a calming effect. It’s an opportunity for you to escape from your day-to-day worries and just focus on your beautiful garden.

3. Help Promote Better Mobility

Only 4% to 5% of personal injury cases go to trial, with 95% of personal injury claims settled pre-trial in the United States. If you’ve recently suffered an injury, gardening can help you regain your mobility and strength. Simple activities like pruning, weeding, and harvesting can improve your balance, range of motion, muscle strength, and flexibility.

If you’re having trouble getting strength for mobility, gardening can help you get your strength back. It also encourages physical activity, which is great for those who have been inactive due to injury or illness.

4. Increase Home Value

According to HomeLight, properties sold by owners sell for roughly 6% less than homes sold by agents. However, if you have a lush garden in your backyard, it can boost the value of your home significantly. A well-maintained garden adds curb appeal to any property and can help make your house more attractive to potential buyers.

Furthermore, if you’re able to grow some of your own food, it adds even more appeal for buyers seeking a sustainable lifestyle. A garden can be an asset to any homeowner and is an excellent way to increase the value of your home. However, achieving a beautiful and aesthetic garden requires consistent effort in maintenance and upkeep.

You can find tree specialists on websites like, or choose to do it yourself if you have the time and expertise. Remember, maintaining a beautiful garden involves regular care, including watering, pruning, weeding, and fertilizing. Investing time and effort into your garden’s upkeep can pay off in the long run by enhancing the overall appeal and value of your home.

5. Improve Your Diet

Having a garden allows you to grow your own nutritious vegetables and herbs. This means that you can enjoy fresh produce right from your backyard, without relying on store-bought items that may not be as healthy or organic. By growing your own food, you can also save money on grocery bills since homegrown vegetables are generally cheaper than store-bought produce. In addition, you might be encouraged to cook more from scratch, which can be a great way to improve your overall diet.

Overall, having a garden is a great way to improve your health and well-being. Not only does it provide physical benefits such as increased physical activity, stress relief, and better mobility, but it can also provide mental health benefits. Additionally, having a garden can help increase the value of your home, making it an even more attractive asset for potential buyers. So don’t hesitate to start your own garden, you won’t regret it!

Low Maintenance Plants to Jumpstart Your Gardening Journey

Low-maintenance plants and gardens are great ways to start your gardening journey.

Some plants can produce tons of food with minimal effort from you, especially if you set your garden up to be low-effort from the beginning.

First, I will explain how to set up a low-effort garden, and then I will give you some ideas for low-effort plants.

Low Effort Gardens

A low-effort garden starts with a good plan.

First, pick plants with similar soil needs like pH balance, water, and nutritional needs.

Second, arrange them so beneficial plants are close to each other. Companion planting is a great way to use plants to benefit each other and grow big, tasty veggies.

Third, use preventative measures to keep weeds and pests out.

You can buy weed fabric (or several layers of newspaper) that you put down around your plants to block light from reaching the soil and preventing weeds.

And don’t squish wolf spiders or other predatory insects that will eat the herbivorous insects you don’t want in your garden.

Fourth, automate your watering. Using a drip irrigation system allows for more even water distribution, saves water and money, and allows plants to absorb the water very efficiently.

low maintenance plants -- basil growing in a plastic cup

Basil growing in a plastic cup!

Low Maintenance Plants

Growing these veggies will be easy and fun, plus they will make old recipes seem new because homegrown is much tastier.


Most herbs are easy to grow, and some are adapted to thriving in the harshest climates, so they can easily overgrow their patch. Try growing them in containers to prevent this.

And growing them in containers means you can put them close to your kitchen so you can just snip some off the plant when needed.

Remember that when cooking with fresh herbs, you need much more than when cooking with dried. This is because the herbs will lose volume as they cook, resulting in the concentration of the flavors.


Beans are nitrogen fixers and beneficial to the soil, meaning you don’t have to fertilize for nitrogen as much if you plant beans.

You can also sprout beans and eat the sprout. This means that you can germinate the seeds, which can be done on a wet paper towel in a dark area, and put them on a sandwich or in a salad.

Leafy Greens

Lettuces, kale, and spinach are easy to grow in cool weather, so plant these in early spring and enjoy fresh, crisp salads all spring.

When you want to eat, pluck off some outer leaves while leaving the center and roots in the ground.


Peppers of all varieties are easy to grow annually and produce fruit for several weeks.

Young transplants are common and cheap at nurseries every spring, or you can direct sow the seeds to avoid the work of transplanting.

Just ensure there are enough days left for the plant to complete the growing cycle. You can find this information on the back of the seed packet.


Low-maintenance plants and gardens are great for producing food without breaking your back. What would you add to this list?

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