Starting Seeds Inside: The Basic Guide

This is the time of year my family would begin starting seeds inside. The first week of February was about dreaming of summer by fixing the soil in seedling trays. The next several weeks brought tiny little plants that always fascinated me. 


This post will teach you the basics of seed starting and give you a list of great veggies to germinate before planting. 


Germinating Seeds

Germination is the process by which a seed leaves dormancy and begins to grow. Many people like to eat these young plants as sprouts or microgreens. 


When Should You Start Your Seeds?

This will depend on 2 factors: where you live and what you are starting. The general rule is to start most veggies 8 weeks before your area’s last frost date, but some have unique requirements. 


How to Start Your Seeds


You only need a few things: a container, a medium, seeds, and water. Then, follow the directions on the back of the seed packet for individualized instructions on the best methods for starting those seeds. 


The Container

The container can be a special seed starting, pot, or even a milk jug. The criteria you need to meet is the container needs to be easily covered. In addition, the humidity must be high at the beginning of the germination process, but you must remove the cover as the seedlings grow. 


The Medium

Your medium can be peat moss mix, simple soil, or a paper towel. The most crucial part is that it keeps an even dampness. So you want it to hold a decent amount of water without staying wet to prevent mold. 


The Seeds

Seeds that are from the previous year will have the best germination rates. Older seeds may germinate, but it could take longer, and fewer seeds will start to grow. 



Once you secure the seeds in the medium, you must use enough water to keep the soil damp but not wet. Overwatering can cause mold to grow. 


Finishing Your Seeds

Cover your container with transparent plastic to keep the moisture and heat in to encourage the best conditions for germination. As your seedlings grow, you will need to remove the cover altogether. A few weeks before transplanting, you will need to set the seedlings outside for progressively longer times. This “hardening off” process lets the plant get used to the sun without sunburn. 


Best Veggies to Start Inside

The following are just a few of the best veggies to start inside. 


Tomatoes and Peppers

They easily germinate and take bout 6-8 weeks to be ready to transplant outside. These are super popular among gardeners, so you can find many varieties. Just sow in seed starting mix, water lightly, and place in a sunny spot. 


Cucumbers and Melons

Another group of easily germinated plants, these don’t have as many varieties as tomatoes and peppers, but you will have no problem finding tasty ones that fit your needs. These also take 6-8 weeks to be ready for transplanting. Sow like tomatoes and peppers.  



Sow in peat most a few weeks before the last frost date in your area. Then, place the container in a sunny window and transplant it as soon as the ground can be worked. 



Starting your own seeds can save you money versus buying transplants. So what seeds do you start inside?

Read More:

10 Techiques to Increase Gremination Rate

10 Reasons Your Plants Don’t Germinate

Do I Really Need to Start Seeds Indoors

Packing Plants for Transport

Packing plants for moving or shipping can feel daunting. Yet, you put so much care and effort into these beings that you can’t imagine them being damaged during transport.

I will show you how to pack seeds, cuttings, bare-root plants, and whole plants for transport.

Transporting Seeds

Seeds are the easiest things to transport.

Start with clean, dry seeds. It is vital that they are dry. Wet seeds may begin to germinate or grow mold.

Then pack them in a paper envelope labeled with the type of seed and year.

Last, pack the envelopes into a plastic box or another waterproof container to keep them dry during the journey.

Transporting Cuttings

Taking a cutting is one of the easiest ways to propagate plants.

If you are shipping or moving with a cutting, you can easily pack it to protect it.

First, you must wait to cut it off the mother plant as close to leaving as possible. Then, cut in a diagonal line to allow for maximum water transfer from packing materials.

Then you want to remove most of the leaves on the cutting. This reduces the energy needs of the cutting so that it can stay alive longer.

Next, you want to wrap the cut end of the plant in a damp paper towel or sphagnum moss. It is essential to make sure the towel or moss is only damp. Too much water may let mold grow during the transport process.

Fourth, you need to put the cut end and wet towel into a plastic bag, but do not place the leaves of the cutting into the bag.

Fifth, tape the bag closed to keep the water in, then tape the bag and stem of the cutting to the side of the box you will be shipping it in. This will help keep the plant still, ensure the cut end stays wet, and prevent damage to the stem and leaves.

Lastly, fill the rest of the box with soft packing material, like sphagnum moss, to help absorb shocks during the rough parts of shipping.

Protip: If you are traveling with your cuttings, it is a good idea to keep them handy, so you can check the water levels and for damage.

Transporting Bare-Root Plants

Trees, shrubs, and bushes are usually sold as bare-root plants. This means they are dug up once they are dormant and then prepared for transport.

Dormancy is when deciduous plants do not grow and lose their leaves. It usually happens during winter, although we can use artificial lighting setups to force dormancy.

If you are transporting a bare-root plant, you need only to remove as much dirt as possible.

Then wrap the roots in slightly damp burlap. You want only enough water to keep the roots from drying out completely. Remember, too much water can compromise your plant and cause damage to the plant or allow mold to thrive.

Next, you need to trim the shoots of the plant. Trim them enough so they easily fit into the space you will use to transport them.

If you are shipping them in a box, secure the wet burlap in plastic, then tape the plastic bag and shoot to the side of the box. Then fill the container with soft packing material like sphagnum moss.

Transporting Whole Plants

Packaging whole plants for transport is relatively easy.

First, you need to make sure they are in the appropriate pot. The pot needs to be the right size and plastic so it won’t break from hard shocks during shipping. Bonus points: If the pot is slightly flexible, you can squish multiple pots together to fit them into tight spaces.

Next, you need to protect the foliage.

The easiest way is to wrap the plant in plastic, burlap, or netting. Start at the base of the plant and wrap up, so all the foliage points up. Do not wrap tightly as you will damage the vegetation. Instead, keep a loose wrap so the plant can move with the transport stress.


If you are shipping plants, check with your local post office because you may need to label the box in a particular way.

Shipping or moving with plants is stressful, but with a bit of prep, you can do it in a way that protects your plants.

Have you ever received a shipped plant before? I have. It was a beautiful cutting of a variety of Pothos houseplant.

Read More:

Companion Planting: A Brief Guide

Best TikTok Gardening Channels

New Year’s Resolutions for Gardeners

Top 8 Edible Plants You Can Grow in Winter

When temperatures start to drop, many people think gardening has to stop. That’s not true. Here are the top 8 edible plants you can grow in winter.

Tons of edible plants can survive winter temperatures, rain, and poor soil drainage conditions. And purple varieties, in particular, contain a compound (anthocyanin) that helps prevent root rot in wet soils.

Below, I have divided the vegetables into ultra-hardy and semi-hardy categories. Ultra-hardy plants can survive heavy frosts and temperatures below 28℉. Semi-hardy plants can survive light frosts and temperatures between 28-32℉.

Ultra-Hard Vegetables

Spinach – Growing spinach in the winter may result in sweeter leaves. This is because the plant produces more sugar and stores it in the vascular network in the leaves. It keeps the plant from experiencing freeze damage.

Garlic – Garlic is more adapted to cold weather, so fall-planted crops need much less care than spring-planted crops. The bulbs also grow bigger since the soil conditions are optimum. Also, choose hardneck varieties as they do better in the winter than softneck varieties.

Rhubarb – Rhubarb is a cold-loving plant and doesn’t grow well in warmer temperatures. In fact, temperatures must be under 40℉ for the perennial to come out of its dormancy. Also, only the leaf stalks of the plant are edible, so don’t eat the leaves.

Austrian Winter Pea – Easy to grow in large quantities, you can cut off young shoots for salads and stirfry or wait until they develop pods around springtime. And these peas are nitrogen fixers which means they can use nitrogen from the air to produce nitrogen compounds that increase nitrogen levels in the soil.

Semi-Hard Veggies

Beets – Beets will go to seed if the temperatures get too cold, so do your best to harvest them before hard frosts (under 28℉). However, growing your beets in cooler temperatures of fall and winter will result in sweeter beets because the roots store sugar to help prevent freeze damage.

Parsnip – Parsnips are another vegetable that gets sweeter when left in the soil over winter. And it is easiest to grow them from seed, but the seeds do not germinate well if they are more than a year old, so get fresh seeds every year.

Lettuce – Lettuces come in wide varieties and colors, so you can probably find tasty varieties that you can grow in your winter climate. Many gardeners use cold frames or hoop houses to negate the slower growth rate of winter.

Cabbage – Cabbage is a cool weather crop which means it does well in cool weather, but if you want to grow it in a frigid climate, you may need to add some protection from the cold like mulch, covering the heads, or a cold frame or hoop house.


Because temperatures are low and the sunlight is limited, growing winter gardens means your plants will show a slower growth rate than growing these plants in the spring or fall. Be patient and consistent, and spring could bring a sweet harvest!

These were the top 8 edible plants you can grow in winter. What do you like to grow in the winter? Leave me a comment below to start a conversation!

The Best TikTok Gardening Channels


Tiktok is a great place to feel community. And #gardentok does not disappoint. Below is a list of the Tiktok Gardening channels!

Gardening with Goo

Gardening with Goo follows Goo and his garden! He constantly grows tasty-looking veggies and spreads real know-how by sharing his experiences. 

Growing with Gertie

Gertie (aka Katie) shares top-tier gardening tips and recipes like vegan nacho cheese to make with your harvest. 

Hook and Garden

Hook and Garden is full of gardening tips and tricks and bee-keeping adventures. 

Planted in the Garden

This channel follows Char and Marv as they grow gardens, make herbal remedies, and cook delicious-looking recipes. 

Carmen in the Garden

Carmen is a charming young woman who loves to garden and cook.


Gardenary shares many raised bed gardening tips, winter gardening tips, and general gardening tips.


Bonus Channels

These channels aren’t vegetable gardening per se, but I have to include them because they offer a lot of excellent plant knowledge and can improve your gardening. 

Native Plant Tok

Kyle Lybarger is a forester and native plant enthusiast. He introduces his audience to beautiful native plants that play essential roles in their ecosystems. And he even suggests native alternatives to invasive ornamental plants. 

Alexis Nikole aka Black Forager

Alexis Nikole is a very knowledgeable food forager. She takes you into her community, where she harvests and uses local plants and fungi in delicious recipes. She talks about recognizing edible wild foods, cooking safely, and their importance in cultural history. My favorite video is on the Poke plant.  


In my opinion, these are the best Tiktok gardening channels. Did you see your favorite TikTok Gardener on our list? Who did we miss? 

Companion Planting: A Brief Introduction


Companion planting is the practice of planting certain plants close to each other that benefit one another.

It’s an easy way to reduce garden labor, use less fertilizer, and grow healthy plants.

Companion Planting: Sources are Important

Before I give you some tips for companion planting, I caution that a significant portion of companion advice on the internet needs to be backed up by science. Some of the advice comes from folklore, people’s personal experiences, or tradition. Other advice is straight-up quackery.

Botanists and agricultural scientists are exploring which companion planting combinations offer benefits. They are finding great pairings that can reduce insect activity, share nitrogen, and improve soil quality.

Carefully review your sources before companion planting to ensure you don’t accidentally sow plants that are detrimental to each other too close to one another.

Classic Example of Companion Planting: Three Sisters Grouping

For generations, several groups of indigenous cultures of the Americas would plant corn, beans, and squash together. This grouping is called The Three Sisters because they do better when grown together.

Beans are nitrogen fixers, meaning they can absorb nitrogen from the environment and then secrete excess nitrogen as compounds that other plants can use.

The giant leaves of the squash prevent sunlight from reaching the soil, keeping the roots cool and preventing weed growth.

And the strong corn stalk is the perfect stake for growing beans.

This is a perfect example of how growing certain plants together can support each other and reduce the need for human labor in the garden.

Helpful Companion Planting Pairings

Below I outline a few beneficial companion pairings. If you have anything to add to the list, please leave us a comment below!

Cucumbers and Tomatoes

Cucumbers act as living mulch to prevent weed growth.

This happens in 2 ways.

First, the broad shape and size of the cucumber leaves block out the light preventing germination of weed seeds. This also help keep the roots cool.

Second, cucumber roots excrete allelpathic compounds that keep weed seeds from germinating. This means that you should not sow tomato seeds among cucumber plants, but instead transplant seedlings.

Green Beans and Potatoes

Green beans fix small amounts of nitrogen that it shares with the potato plants, increasing the size of the potatoes.

You can achieve this outcome in 2 ways. You can plant alternate rows of potatoes and green beans or you can plant alternate plants in the same row.

Sweet Alyssum and Lettuce

Sweet Alyssum attracts flies and wasps that feeds on aphids and other small insects. Plant sweet alyssum in the rows between the rows of lettuce or as a border around your lettuce patch.

Bonus Plant: Marigolds

Marigolds don’t get enough credit. They are cheap, beautiful and help deter tons of harmful bugs like aphids because marigolds attract beneficial insect like parasitic wasps and ladybugs. They may also secrete compounds that help protect the roots of nearby plants from parasites.


Companion planting is a great way to reduce labor and grow healthier plants, but it is a discipline that does not have a lot of scientific research available so be ware of suspicious advice.

Read More:

Tips to Prevent Winter Plant Damage

Gardens Add Life and Equity to Your Home

Troubleshooting the Seed Starting Process: Using Old Seeds

Tips to Prevent Winter Plant Damage


Winter plant damage can come from several places: storm damage, frozen roots, and damage to foliage from cold temperatures and strong winds.

But with some planning and hard work, you can prevent these types of damages on your precious plants.

Protecting Foliage

Covering Trees/Shrubs

If you fear that the leaves or needles of your trees or shrubs may be damaged, the easiest way to protect them is to cover them with plastic or burlap.

Simply wrap the plant and secure it snugly with tape.

If your plant needs extra protection from the cold, you can wrap it in newspaper before wrapping it in plastic.

One of the essential things to know is you are trying to keep ice off the foliage, so make sure the plant is covered enough to keep out cold water or snow.

Covering Plots


You can get a burlap blanket if you are trying to cover a larger area than just 1 tree or shrub.

Make sure the blanket is big enough to cover the edges to the ground to prevent pockets of cold from seeping under the edges.

And unlike trees and shrubs, you do not want to secure the blanket around individual plants. It will cause damage to the stems, and if the blanket shifts, it can pull on the other plants and damage them.

Covered Garden

You can build a cold screen, a round top covering for your garden, almost like mini greenhouses designed to suit different needs and spaces.

It consists of flexing poles on each edge of your garden row or plot. Then, you cover the poles with a special plastic. That allows light and heat in and then traps it.

I have seen people build them big enough to walk into. That person put a heater in there and had tomatoes all winter.

Upcycled Ideas

You can also solve this winter plant damage problem with recycled materials. One example is by making cold boxes out of old windows.

Protecting Roots

The best way to protect the roots of any plant is to mulch the area properly. Laying down a thick layer will protect the ground from freezing temperatures and cold water, which can cause significant damage to roots.

Several materials make good winter mulch.

Many people pick fallen leaves or evergreen needles as mulch. They are free and can be worked right into the soil during the spring instead of needing to be removed like artificial mulches.

Compost is another popular winter mulch. It will undoubtedly keep the cold away from the soil and produce heat as it breaks down.

Protecting Trunks/Stems

It is important to note that if your area sees a lot of snow or ice during cold weather, the trunks or stems of plants need extra support to ensure they stay straight.

Ice and snow can build up a lot of weight and bend the trunks/stems of young trees and shrubs. Therefore, it’s essential to brace these plants or keep the snow from accumulating.


Follow these simple tips to protect your plants this winter, you can ensure that your garden is healthy and vibrant come spring. With the right guidance and proper preparation, even the harsh winter weather can’t stand in the way of you enjoying beautiful plants and flowers in the months to come.

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Winter Garden Tasks

What to Plant in your Fall or Winter Garden

5 Winter Squash Varieties for the Frugal Gardener Short on Space

Tips for Keeping Your New Pup Out of Your Garden

There are a couple of reasons you need to keep your new pup out of your garden. A garden can be a dangerous place for a young dog. Of course, you work hard to keep your garden just so, and you do not want all that hard work to be for nothing. These tips will help keep your fur baby safe and out of the garden.

Start With Training

You can have a beautiful garden and a well-behaved pup by teaching your pup boundaries. Show your pup where they can and cannot go in the yard. Reward good behavior when your pup steers clear of the areas you don’t want them in. It can take a little time to train your pup to avoid your gardens fully, but it will be well worth it in the end.

If you are like 32% of Americans, you work in your gardens several times a week. Whenever you head out to do some work in the garden, it is a great opportunity for a training session. Take the pup with you and work on training them to understand boundaries.

Switch Up Your Garden

If training takes longer than you thought, you can consider switching up where your garden grows. About 90% of Americans prefer to have homes that are surrounded by lawns. If you’re part of this population, you have plenty of areas to plant a new garden. Planting a garden out of where your dog hangs out in the yard can help keep them out of your plants.

Make Your Gardens an Unwelcome Place

Dogs are susceptible to smells. Mixing up the right spices batch can help persuade your puppy to keep out. Try dry mustard mixed with some pepper flakes and spread that around generously. Some gardening sites recommend using orange rinds as well. Experiment with different scents to see if it works. You will undoubtedly find something that will keep your pup out of the garden.

Put Up a Barrier

A small garden fence encircling your gardens may be the solution to keep little paws out. Dogs do not like to squeeze into tight spaces. A small fence with little wiggle room to walk through can be an easy way to keep your pup away. It does not have to be an elaborate fence. It just needs to be a fence that will create a barrier your pup will respect. These can be installed yourself. If you have a pool, however, it’s best to get a fence professionally fitted. Many dogs are water-lovers, but if your puppy were to accidentally fall into your pool, they’d be unlikely to be able to get themselves out again. Once your fence is installed, look for pool fence inspectors melbourne, or similar inspectors near you, to ensure everything is as safe as it can be.

Dogs will follow a path if one is available. Create a path to space that is all their own. A play space for your pup that has interesting things to play with, like sticks, dog toys, and other things to keep them busy, will entertain them. Of course, having a space in the yard where they can run around will also help to keep them healthy. An alarming number of dogs are overweight from lack of exercise.

Keeping an eye on your dog’s weight is important. According to the National Veterinarians Association, a body condition score chart can be used to determine if your dog is overweight. The scale on a BCS chart runs from 1-5. A score of 1 means your dog is too skinny, and a score of 5 means that your dog is overweight. Ideally, your dog’s BCS score should be a 3. A place in the yard all their own will help to keep the pounds off.

You and your pup can live in harmony. You do not have to sacrifice having a dog to share your life with to keep your garden in good shape. You do not have to give up gardening to have a dog. You can have them both. Follow these tips to find a peaceful compromise. If these tips do not help, consider professional training.

Year Round Guide: What to Plant in Each Growing Season


Planning what to plant each season can be fun as you dream of all the delicious things your kitchen garden will bring you, but you should know your hardiness before you start buying plants.

Your Zone

The USDA has divided America into hardiness zones. A hardiness zone is a geographical area that determines which plants grow best in that climate.

You can use your zone to pick varieties especially well adapted to your climate.

And if you know your hardiness zone, you can find average soil temperature data during different parts of the year, so you always plant seeds or transfers at the right time.


Growing a spring garden means growing cold-weather crops. Some of these veggies can survive frost, and others get sweeter with low temperatures.

Leafy Greens


Seeds can be sowed as soon as the ground can be worked, 2 weeks before the last frost, or up to 1 month before the last frost date if you are sowing inside.


Seeds are ready to plant immediately after the last frost or inside, 4-6 weeks before the last frost.


Spinach can be started inside as early as 6 weeks before the last frost date, and you can sow seeds directly in the soil as soon as it can be worked.


Cabbage should be planted 4 weeks before the last frost, or it can be started up to 8 weeks before the last frost.

Fruit Trees

Most fruit trees are sold as bare-root plants meaning they come without being potted in soil. Instead, they have been stored in a cool area all winter while in a dormant state. Early spring is the best to get fruit trees in the ground because transplanting the dormant tree is less stressful than planting the active tree.


The season of plenty. Gardeners love summer.

Tomatoes and other Nightshades

The nightshades include tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, and potatoes. These crops should be started within 4-6 weeks before the last frost or sowed directly in the soil within a few weeks.

Cucumbers and Melons

Cucumbers, watermelons, and honeydew can be started 4-6 weeks before the last spring frost or after the soil has reached about 60℉.


Squashes, like crooked neck or zucchini, have the best chance of germination if they are sowed directly in the soil soon after the last frost.


You should directly sow beans into the garden soil shortly after the last frost.


You can grow everything listed for the spring in the autumn.

Leafy Greens


Start inside in a cool place 60 days before the first frost date.


Start at least 45 days before the first frost, but 60 days is ideal.


You should start spinach at least 60 days before the first frost date.


Plant cabbage as early as 8 weeks before the first frost date.


Onions are a staple of the fall garden. Plant onion seeds directly in the soil 2-3 weeks before the first frost.


Plant garlic bulbs 3 weeks before the ground freeze in your area.


As you think about planning your garden throughout each season, double-check the dates of frost and freezing, and check for varieties that are well adapted to your hardiness zone.


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Gardens, Books, and Legacies

10 Best Gardening Podcasts Worth Listening To

Are Old Tires Toxic to Plants?

4 Ways to Autumn-ify Your Garden on a Budget

This is the time of year when people start to think about the number of ways that they can ‘autumn-ify’ their garden to make it look precisely the way that they want it to look. It can be a challenge to change things up every season, but it may make sense to do so in order to get the best possible experience from your garden. Today, we will look at a few ways that you can autumn-ify your garden on a budget.

1. Reuse Old Fall Decor as Planters

It isn’t necessary to start from scratch with every single project that you get to work on. Instead, you can look at reusing some of the materials that are already in your possession to make life a bit easier on yourself. When looking at budget-friendly ways to handle your gardening projects, it’s probably best to start by reusing some of the old decor that you already have around the house in the first place.

The fall decor that you have already purchased may be repurposed as planters for your future garden projects. Don’t think that you need to begin everything from the start every time.

2. Save Seeds From Fall Foods

If you have grown fall foods in your garden in the past, you can save seeds from those foods to use again the next year. You’ll want to check out the relevant information you need about when and how to plant them. However, you can easily see how doing so can make it a bit easier for you to get the kind of results that you require from the seeds that you have planted in your garden.

Saving seeds is useful because you are likely to use the same types of fall foods year after year. If you save the seeds from one harvest to another, then you will save money over buying the same foods.

3. Look Into Local Perennials

At this very moment, there are 1.8 billion websites operating at the same time all over the world. If you start poking around, you’re sure to find some way to find the local perennials to plant in your garden for each year. Purchasing these plants from someone locally can save you money on travel or shipping expenses, and you can potentially obtain the plants that you require at a price that you can reasonably afford. Check with local dealers to see which plants you can get in your area.

4. Discover Free Plants

There are certainly times and places when it’s possible to obtain free plants that you can put into your garden. If you’re strategic about the way that you search for free plants that are available, then you may not have to put out any money at all in order to grow the garden that you want. Instead, just make sure you are keeping an eye out for every opportunity that you can take advantage of. Check out Facebook Marketplace for plant swaps or for free cuttings. You’ll be surprised by what you can find.

Now that fall is officially here, you can start getting your garden ready for the chillier seasons. Try out some of our tips above to help autumn-ify your space.

What to Plant in your Fall or Winter Garden


Tending a fall or winter garden can give you a new appreciation for usually bitter vegetables. Cool-weather crops react to frost by making more sugars resulting in deliciously different-tasting harvests.

Not sure what to plant for a cool-weather garden?

Beets, Carrots, Rutabagas, and Other Root Vegetables

Many of these veggies thrive in cold weather.


This popular root vegetable germinates the best in cold weather and gets sweeter with a frost. Pickled beets and beet sugar syrup are 2 popular recipes for beets.


Plant carrots during the fall and harvest before temps are consistently cold. The cold can sap their color and taste. You can order specific varieties adapted for cold weather that you can grow during the most challenging part of the winter.


A cross between a turnip and cabbage, the rutabaga must mature in cold weather, so they are the first choice for a winter garden.


In addition to being cold hardy to 20℉, radishes can grow back from roots if their foliage is damaged by cold.

Cabbage and Its Spinoffs

Cabbage, Brussel sprouts, kale, cauliflower, and broccoli descend from the same plant. Cabbage and kale are focused on producing leaves. Cauliflower and broccoli are the flowers.

These are perfect for a fall or winter garden because they all thrive in cold weather. They can weather harsh weather, below freezing, and still be ready to pick and enjoy.

Celery and Swiss Chard

Living in a warmer climate like the South, you can grow celery in a winter garden. However, if you live in a cold environment, you must pick celery before a significant frost hits.

Swiss Chard is your pick if you live in a colder place. It can survive dips to 15℉ without protection and lower temperatures if you take precautions to keep the frost off its foliage.

Spinach, Lettuce, and Other Leafy Greens

Leafy greens grow well in fall and winter gardens, and those in frigid climates can get seeds for varieties well adapted for the cold.

Spinach does slow its growth during the winter but grows very well in the fall and spring.

For things like lettuce, you can simply remove any leaves damaged by weather and pick the young, tender leaves underneath. And your plant will continue to grow.

Green Onions

Extremely cold hardy, they will grow through the snow. And you can get 3 or 4 harvests off of a single bulb before you need to replant.


This is a tasty but overlooked veggie in the same family as garlic and onions. They are perfect for a cold weather garden because they are cold hardy to 0℉.


Fall and winter do not have to signal the end of your gardening year. On the contrary, planning and growing a fall or winter garden can keep you in delicious, cheap produce during the cold months. So what vegetables do you want to plant in your fall or winter garden?

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